Tuesday 23 November 2010

Thanksgiving Part I - Cranberry Sauce

I have finally started with my Thanksgiving preparations!
I wish I had started earlier but I couldn't really think straight yesterday (I hate jet-lag with a passion).
Since this afternoon there is a list with the different things that need to be done stuck to my cupboard in the kitchen.
So, part 1 of the cooking marathon was the cranberry sauce.
Before you complain, it's not a super fancy version, but it's the one I always come back to (though I saw an amazing one with port in the current issue of delicious).
Anyhow, here we go :)

Cranberry Sauce
650g Cranberries (I started out with two packs (they're 12oz each, right?) and had to pick out quite a lot of gross ones and then ended up with about 650g), washed
250ml Orange Juice
200ml Water
175gr Sugar
3 Cloves
1 Stick Cinnamon

Stick everything into a heavy-bottomed pan and bring to a boil.
Keep simmering for about 15 minutes, stirring from time to time.
Once the sauce is a nice sticky consistency (don't forget that it will congeal even further as it cools) take it off the heat, pick out (or at least try to) the spices and pour everything into a pretty bowl.
Cover with cling-film and once it's properly cooled stick it into the fridge until you need it.
Now get going either with more Thanksgiving preparations or get back to your actual life :)

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