
I love baking! Why spend money on a therapist when you can bake (ok, I am fully aware that baking isn't the cure for everything, but for stress and the odd day of winter-blues - what better way is there to take your mind of everything else?!)
But I got to a point where I couldn't keep track of all the recipes I had promised to write down for people, that I was wanting to try myself, the changes I had made to recipes from magazines....the random  pieces of paper were starting to pile up and I couldn't find anything anymore and the thing I used to do for relaxation was starting to turn into stress.
I guess it's also why I started writing this blog in the first place - to get all those recipes written down (and to have an excuse to explore new ones).
Below is a list of some of my favourite recipes - explore, enjoy and then tell me about it (good and bad!)

These had to come first! My all-time favourite cupcakes :)

© Anna Blanch

This one always works and I have yet to meet the person who doesn't like this one

yeah, the one that looks like a pac-man is trying to eat a knife...

Take two good things and turn them into amazingness :)

This one takes some time but you can even feel good about yourself because you can pretend you're having one of your 5-a-day

© Verena Kersken

And I've included this one because I love it and the base is in the oven for a few you could potentially still call it baking...

© Anna Blanch

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