Tuesday 8 March 2011

Coconut Poached Pears

This is recipe 1 of a series. So over the next 3 posts I'll talk about making 3 glorious deserts that will be the easiest to make in one go (like this weekend) but I love each part on its own as well so they get separate posts. So bear with me :)

I made these a while back when Katie had a tangine party. I wanted to bring a desert that would work with the gorgeous flavours of the tangines (apricot, almond, and chicken and a lemon, chickpea and vegetable one) without being overwhelming. I was looking for clean flavours and at the same time I was looking for something exotic...at which point I ended up sticking my head in the sand for a day...and then I decided to go ploughing through my cookbooks. And in Vicky Bhogal's Flavour I found something that matched all my prerequesites :)

Before you start worrying, this recipe couldn't be any easier - if you watch the pot that is :) I managed to get the coconut milk to boil over no, not just once...but twice in about 5 minutes because I was running around the house doing other things. So, I think the safest bet is - get a magazine and sit down next to the pot...and watch it like a hawk :)

Coconut Poached Pears (adapted from Vicky Bhogal's recipe)
1 Pear for every person you're having over
800 ml Coconut Milk for every 4 pears
200 g Sugar for every 4 pears

Peel the pears (but leave the stalks attached) and cut a tiny slice off at the bottom - that way they'll stand up better later on.
Heat the coconut milk in a saucepan that's big enough to hold the liquid and the pears but not too big (you want the coconut milk to cover the pears later on) and dissolve the sugar in it.
Once the liquid is simmering away, place the pears in the saucepan and cover (and watch). You'll probably find that the lowest setting your hob has will be more than enough.
Simmer until the pears are tender (about 10-15 minutes), then take the pears out using a slotted spoon and allow them to cool (they like your fridge after that).
Serve them with some Coffee Granita.
Allow the coconut milk to cool, then make some Pear Infused Coconut Granita :)

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